I would gladly pay...

I would gladly pay for a specific design experience on its own. Namely I would happily put down $100 dollars to see my animal idea in game and have a brood set with a unique feature to sell as pets.

~ Goody Odsbodikins, Count of the Highest State. ~
Friend Code: F41EFF

10/23/2016 3:00:18 PM #1

that might have the possibility of being unfair to those who pledged $5,000 for the chimera level?

i think it's also a matter of resources - if it was made that cheap and 1,000 players opted for it, logistically they would have to spend so much time creating them all, that the game itself would be delayed

same goes for offering armor, weapon, relic etc Design Experiences for $100

not to mention the fact that it would probably be a losing proposition financially - $100 would usually get you 2 hours (if that) of an experienced graphic designers talents - will take considerably longer than that i think to bring most of DE's through the entire cycle of concept, prototypes and then final rendition

10/23/2016 3:19:28 PM #2

DEVs already stated in the Design Experience Q and A on Friday, they will not sell individual Design Experiences outside of the Backer packages. The large development costs would cause them to lose money.

I think it would delay the game development greatly. I'd like to do one as well, but I am not opening the checkbook that big. Good on the ones who do. :)

10/23/2016 5:13:35 PM #3

I think they should open the door to crowdfunded DEs. For example, if everyone who wants the melon turtle chips in a bit until they raise $5000, then it happens.

It's not a problem, it's a plot hook!

10/25/2016 12:42:37 AM #4

I know the devs position on the subject, and I am aware of the amount of time it takes to develop content, which is why I would be willing to pay JUST to get the animal. I can't afford the full Chimera tier, and the DE is only one part of the Chimera tier, so I threw out a number. Maybe $100 is too low, but bumped up to a decent level that discouraged frivolous ideas, but significant enrichments could be possible offering a limited number of DE on their own. Maybe bump it to $500, I could afford that.

Saying all that, I would love to see the option for specific DE being offered, particularly if the Devs need/want help with ideas to enhance content. After all, it's not just a King or a Duke who could have a unique pet or item passed to them through time.

~ Goody Odsbodikins, Count of the Highest State. ~
Friend Code: F41EFF

10/25/2016 2:17:53 AM #5

Posted By LorenzW at 5:42 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

I know the devs position on the subject, and I am aware of the amount of time it takes to develop content, which is why I would be willing to pay JUST to get the animal.... Maybe $100 is too low, but bumped up to a decent level

This to me suggests you're not aware of the amount of time it takes. Let's say it takes a designer a week to work with you on the design of the creature to make sure it's consistent within the world. Then add in the work by the character artist to create the model, textures, and any hair. Then add in the work by the technical animator to rig the creature, and finally, add in the animator(s) necessary for movement, feeding, combat, and any other behaviors that need to be programmed.

At the end of the day, the cost to create a creature is very close to, if not slightly over the $5k price tag associated with the Chimera Tier.

It's a bit less for us because we can do things in a workflow that allows us to re-use some rigs, animation, materials, etc. But at the time we set the price of the design experience, we had/have no way of knowing what type of creature you want to create. So we set the price for the worst-case-scenario; a completely custom model, textures, rig, animations, and behaviors.

10/25/2016 2:20:52 AM #6

Posted By eMadagio at 09:13 AM - Sun Oct 23 2016

I think they should open the door to crowdfunded DEs. For example, if everyone who wants the melon turtle chips in a bit until they raise $5000, then it happens.

This might actually be a cool concept, the only problem is whom in the community gets to make the end all decisions with the developers?

10/25/2016 2:33:32 AM #7

Posted By Pteroguin at 7:20 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

This might actually be a cool concept, the only problem is whom in the community gets to make the end all decisions with the developers?

It could be a voting system (perhaps with varying shares based on how much each person donated), someone who is designated as the head of the idea at conception, or require a finalized and approved idea before funding begins.

Edit: Sharielane phrased my second idea a bit better, I just wanted to keep it open ended in case whoever came up with the idea didn't want to control it for whatever reason.

It's not a problem, it's a plot hook!

10/25/2016 2:44:08 AM #8

Maybe the person who initiates the crowdfunding?

Imgur Imgur

10/25/2016 2:45:17 AM #9

Both are good ideas. I was just trying to inspire conversation :)

10/25/2016 2:50:07 AM #10

Posted By eMadagio at 12:13 PM - Sun Oct 23 2016

I think they should open the door to crowdfunded DEs. For example, if everyone who wants the melon turtle chips in a bit until they raise $5000, then it happens.

If melon turtles make it in....

I may make it my personal mission over the course of ten years to eradicate them all!

.....and then I'll smash it with a hammer!!!

10/25/2016 2:54:24 AM #11

Posted By Fergus Redbeard at 7:50 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

If melon turtles make it in....

I may make it my personal mission over the course of ten years to eradicate them all!

A potentially delicious genocide!

It's not a problem, it's a plot hook!

10/25/2016 3:15:34 AM #12

Posted By eMadagio at 7:54 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

Posted By Fergus Redbeard at 7:50 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

If melon turtles make it in....

I may make it my personal mission over the course of ten years to eradicate them all!

A potentially delicious genocide!

Yeah! And a complete waste of time, not to mention such a pathetic attempt at creativity. I'd back it so hard.

Why stop at melon turtle? I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to delay and the game just to come up with half-thought ideas, who's to say we can't have a candy dinosaur? I'm sure with all these creative ideas from people who've the better part of their lives brain-storming we could make the best Runescape/Wizard101 simulator we can.

There's a reason why most of the ideas from the community are rejected and that there's a dedicated team working on designs/arts/monsters and they are paid, and you are not. Not to say ideas are bad, but...

I'd say the only thing I dislike about CoE (which probably doesn't even have anything to do with CoE) at this point is 95% of the "creative" ideas that come out of the forums. And this melon turtle thing is probably a great allusion to why I feel this way.

You may have erased my signature, but you can't corner the dorner

10/25/2016 3:18:55 AM #13

The flipside to this is the amazing Pteroguin! :)

10/25/2016 3:23:14 AM #14

I was just using a well known example. There's really no need to get your knickers twisted up. DEs are already a part of the game and if people are willing to pay for it (perhaps with adjusted prices since Caspian says they're taking a loss right now, in some situations) then let them eat cake, freshly hunted from a wild cakebat.

I'm sure quality control is one of the first things the developers will consider when implementing a DE.

It's not a problem, it's a plot hook!

10/25/2016 3:25:28 AM #15

Posted By eMadagio at 9:54 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

Posted By Fergus Redbeard at 7:50 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

If melon turtles make it in....

I may make it my personal mission over the course of ten years to eradicate them all!

A potentially delicious genocide!

Haha indeed!

.....and then I'll smash it with a hammer!!!
