musical competition with prizes!!!

Links to Resources:

bordweall lore outline

legend of the bloodoak

example of lyrics

send submissions to @kinoss in either the Bordweall discord or the CoE official discord

and last but not least, a few rules:

Lyric submissions are accepted until the midnight of February 28th EST (music and vocal submissions will have their own separate deadlines later)

All submissions must follow United States copyright law

You can edit the example anthem, or make up your own from scratch.

(Optional) Along with your submission reference any music you might have in mind in terms of style/tempo etc, or record yourself singing your anthem to music.

Winning does not guarantee its use as the anthem. Changes may be required to fit with the scope and theme of Bordweall, if it is used at all.

Submissions will become property of the community of Bordweall under the stewardship of Dleatherus.

2/1/2018 3:37:00 PM #1

You can also send me a private message here on the forums to submit your lyrics, but on discord is fine too. I'm in the Bordweall, CoE, and NA-East Discord Channels.

2/1/2018 3:52:00 PM #2

looking forward to the submissions

Alt text - can be left blank

2/1/2018 7:14:39 PM #3

I'm so excited to participate in this.

2/1/2018 8:36:11 PM #4

Can't wait to see what people come up with ;)

2/1/2018 10:45:45 PM #5

How do you pronounce the word "Bordweall" ? And is there a precise etymology of it?

2/1/2018 11:06:31 PM #6

Bordweall is pronounced Bord-Wall, and it is anglo-saxon I believe. It means Shield Wall.

2/2/2018 4:14:21 PM #7

This is so cool. I can't wait to see what we come up with!

Gee I hope I don't get hunted down for being a beta player like all those derps in Sword Art Online

2/2/2018 4:17:51 PM #8

uMMM, well i am a horrible writer. Shoot don't get me Started on grammar. Then theirs singing, talk about the end of the world. Guess that counts me out. Though i am really looking forward to seeing some of the stuff people come up with.

2/2/2018 5:05:49 PM #9

I had a question about the phases, and Dleatherus clarified on discord but since others probably have a similar question, semi-rephrasing it here.

Can you go into a little bit further detail to explain the phases and what submissions for each phase should be?

2/2/2018 5:19:58 PM #10

Posted By Sundae at 09:05 AM - Fri Feb 02 2018

I had a question about the phases, and Dleatherus clarified on discord but since others probably have a similar question, semi-rephrasing it here.

Can you go into a little bit further detail to explain the phases and what submissions for each phase should be?

Absolutely and ty for asking

Each phase is completely separate from each other, though they are put in a logical order

The first phase is the lyrics phase so that we can pick out the words that best reflect and embody the spirit of Bordweall - the reference resources of the lore timeline and the tale of the Bloodoak are there if folks want to seek inspiration from them

The second phase is the music phase, since we think it would be difficult to write music not knowing how many syllables are in ach line, how many lines before a chorus etc

The third and final phase is the vocals phase, where the words and music are brought together by those gifted and talented enough to stir emotions with their singing voices (alas i do not fall into this category)

I would like to make it clear that anybody can participate in any of the phases If you can write music but suck at lyrics and singing, participate in phase two only If you can write and sing though can't write music, enter in phases one and three and so on

also, feel free to reach out to others to collaborate on any and/or all of the phases with other members in the community

Please note that one prize is awarded for each phase, and for example having 100 or more people work together on and win a phase, will still result in one prize being awarded, not 100

2/2/2018 6:02:04 PM #11

Just to clarify and make sure I'm understanding:

So I can potentially enter all three if I feel I'm decent enough in each category, and I can submit up to three different entries per phase? Would whoever the winner is of say, phase 1, then be unable to enter the 2 following phases?

2/2/2018 6:57:25 PM #12

Posted By Elsy at 10:02 AM - Fri Feb 02 2018

Just to clarify and make sure I'm understanding:

So I can potentially enter all three if I feel I'm decent enough in each category, and I can submit up to three different entries per phase? Would whoever the winner is of say, phase 1, then be unable to enter the 2 following phases?

winning in one phase doesn't prevent you from participating in any of the others

so it is possible that each phase is won by a different individual/group, or all three phases might be won by one amazingly talented individual/group

2/2/2018 7:03:40 PM #13

Posted By Dleatherus at 12:57 PM - Fri Feb 02 2018

winning in one phase doesn't prevent you from participating in any of the others

so it is possible that each phase is won by a different individual/group, or all three phases might be won by one amazingly talented individual/group

Got it, thank you!

2/7/2018 2:51:13 PM #14

We shall all get in discord together and go caroling to all the kingdom singing our anthem!

2/10/2018 7:59:29 PM #15

Quick update for the weekend! So far we've received 4 submissions into the competition. There's still plenty of time to submit your lyrics before the end of February though.

Remember, you can message me here on the forums or find me in Discord. My name is Kinoss there as well. Good luck!