We are currently in Pre-Alpha stages and the only currently playable content is available to Devs friends and family.

While there isn't currently anything to play publicly available to backers there are still many things that are encouraging involvement of the community including things such as community building, events/promotions, contests, Surname reservation, discord communities as well as their events pertaining to CoE, and more.

More events that should be available soon getting more people involved would be things like promotions, contests, events such as: Map voting, server selection, domain selection, personas, my Akashic records, and various other events. This also includes the event "The Searing Plague" where you can potentially get a free copy of the game!

There are also coming soon future things to get backers even more involved and hands on in game including but not limited to: Alphas, Betas, VoxElyria, Kingdoms of Elyria, Prologue, stress tests, and Exposition.

If you'd like more information on these events or anything here please feel free to ask!

The event "The Searing Plague" mentioned above is currently active and can be found when you log in at this link: https://chroniclesofelyria.com/searing-plague