(BH- Drakeolm) County of Aurelia

Welcome to the County of Aurelia

Server - NA West

Kingdom - Blackheart

Duchy - Drakeolm

Capital: Drake's Rest

What Aurelia has to offer you

A wonderful double county location amidst rivers, both hills and snow-capped mountains, mining and fishing, plentiful game and farming opportunities!

Aurelia is uniquely positioned within Drakeholm to be a mighty bastion of its economy and Eastern Defensive line, while also providing the opportunity to support the military effort directly. You can choose to enrich yourself as a merchant / artisan / farmer or participate directly in the inevitable war directly (or simply profit from it in safety!)

Aurelia County provides a support network of defenses and infrastructure for the County, as well as a strong hub for law enforcement and the investigation of crimes.

The Capital of Drake's Rest will primarily focus on the training, readiness, and the education of soldiers - the study, industry, and practice of war. But that doesnt mean artisans and farmers will be left out, not at all! Everyone is required, and every skillset is welcome! Drake's Rest, set beautifully within the snowpeaked eastern mountains of Drakeolm, looks idyllically over a mountain waterfall and a beautiful river. The location provides both for extreme defenses, and a relaxing atmosphere for the townsfolk, free to develop their businesses in peace and harmony. A favorite vacation destination, Drake's Rest enjoys a gladiatorial arena and every industry available. (ooc/ Extreme High EP will ensure every benefit is gained for this County! No expense will be spared!)

Interested in becoming a Duchy Bloodsword ? There may be many places to enlist and train but everyone knows the best is at the Aurelian Academy of War! Join the Bloodswords or the Aurelian Guard after you gain the knowledge you need! Be on the leading edge of battle and siege research; do your part to secure the safety of our great Duchy and Kingdom! The Count of Aurelia will be engaged heavily with the Duchy Military efforts, if you want action there is no greater place to be.

Are you a Aurelia County citizen-farmer, and just want to defend your home as a member of the Citizen Militia? Join us in Aurelia today and receive training and brotherhood at our military academy no cost (just donate what you can in food or skills!) Keep your family safe, do your part and be ready to defend our lands and farmers!

A full-time garrison of professional Academy Officer Corps and Aurelian Guard will be on the grounds in Drake's Rest, if you would rather not go back to farming after your training is over.

Expect the best of everything, including some legendary facilities.

As the Duchy prospers, so shall you, so shall we all. Whatever your dreams, you will find them here.

What Aurelia is looking for

Happy, loyal citizens of all kinds! Everything is desired. You are desired!

Animal breeders - Animal trainers - Leather Workers - Blacksmiths - Bowyers - Fletcher - Farmers - Explorers - Merchants - Mayors ! There are several open towns, hamlets, and villages in Aurelia. Choose your starting area from among 6 locations!

Armorsmith - Weaponsmith - Hunter - Fisher - Trapper - Scout - Prospector - Miner - Carpenter - Mason – Trader - Dungeoneer.

For special players, positions of importance and leadership are available such as Sheriff , Deputy, Scouts, Enforcers, and more.

Soldiers, investigators, and bounty hunters are highly encouraged to sign on. We will fully assist and provide a home away from home to any and all Duchy Red Cloaks (Law Enforcement), and Scourge (Bounty Hunters). Any crime against you is a crime against us all; banditry and ruffian-ism will not be tolerated against the citizens of Aurelia County! Your new County home will be the safest place to make your home.

The land is our common task, and it gives us life. We work it, we defend it, we provide for its safety. We crush our enemies in times of war, in the name of the Duchess, and in the name of the Queen. Pick up a sword or a plow, or both - to the greater glory of the land. Have a locally made mead at the tavern and share the bonds of laughter and friendship. We will be a family together, join us and prosper our lands!

If you are willing to contribute your time as a citizen of any kind, you will be rewarded with safety, protection, help establishing your farm or business, and friendship. We look forward to seeing you, friends. In Tenebris Nos!

Contact Aziael Aurelia or Aziael Aurelia#0001 on Discord for more info

->Aurelia County Discord<-

->Drakeolm Duchy Discord<-

Drakeolm is recruiting!

Count Aziael Aurelia, Aurelia County, Drakeolm - Blackheart - Angelica

9/18/2019 5:29:21 PM #1

Drakeolm Duchy Gateway

Count Aziael Aurelia, Aurelia County, Drakeolm - Blackheart - Angelica

9/18/2019 5:39:31 PM #2

Woot! Woot!

Mayor of the City of Widow's Reach, Thane of Clan Hammerbull

9/18/2019 6:18:46 PM #3

Wonderful post! Wishing you the best!

9/18/2019 6:29:20 PM #4

Thanks Tarv buddy! Long live Drakeolm!

Count Aziael Aurelia, Aurelia County, Drakeolm - Blackheart - Angelica

9/22/2019 2:34:18 PM #5

Until recently Aurelia was one of my mayors and one of the top leaders of my county. He is very active, experienced, and capable. He has stepped up to fill a hole in our defense. He is an excellent leader and anyone should be proud to serve under him. For Drakeolm!

9/22/2019 3:06:07 PM #6

Long live Drakeholm!

9/22/2019 3:17:45 PM #7

For the home of the Drake!

9/22/2019 4:37:18 PM #8

Cannot wait to play Chronicles of Elyria! An amazing team to work with in Drakeolm!

9/23/2019 11:31:36 PM #9

Our County is growing quickly, thank you for all the kind words. Drakeholm is the best place to be !

Count Aziael Aurelia, Aurelia County, Drakeolm - Blackheart - Angelica

10/1/2019 8:32:49 AM #10

Hi neighbor!

10/17/2019 8:42:00 AM #11

Very nice place, would recommend