Construction & Building Questions

In order to reduce any confusion I will ask them in Q&A(?) style:

Q: How "difficult" is it to build basic shelters such as a hunters cabin (or something similar to that)? Will it require advanced woodworking knowledge and various items?

Q: How immersive is construction? Are you required to collect, form and "build" various sections of the house, or is the entire house blueprint itself one "structure" that can be built.

Q: Is it possible to "free-build" houses, e.g without following a specific design pattern.

Q: What skills are required to make blueprints, and will everyone be able to make blueprints?

Q: How customizeable are blueprints? Can custom heights and/or materials be used?

• Proprietor • Programmer • Gamer • PsalmFirewall • NA-W • Friend Code: 62E37D •

11/24/2019 4:30:41 PM #1

from your questions i may not be able to answer all of them but here is my take on how Sbs could do this mechanic

A 1-4: i would think that the construction and building would be similar to Ark: survival evolved, as to weather or not there is a limit on how much you can build. Ex.(can only build in a small area to be your home) it could be based on social standing like a peasant would have a small area, while a noble can build in a large area like a castle.

A 5:this i do not have any insight to what you are referring to. is there an example of a game that does this mechanic?

11/24/2019 8:23:28 PM #2

Zeek, have you read this DJ about building and architecture? DJ#14

12/13/2019 6:49:36 PM #3

Posted By Protey at 10:23 AM - Sun Nov 24 2019

Zeek, have you read this DJ about building and architecture? DJ#14

In fairness, that journal entry is 4 years old at this point. That's plenty of time for things to have changed.