The Coalition [Broadleaf]


The Coalition is made up of Nobles and Aristocrats along with their members that plan on claiming the Duchy of Valor Height by means of Casus Belli, Featherdale by means of Reserve Auction as well as a select few counties in Whiteraven Rock within the Kypiq biome of Broadleaf Forest in the Kingdom of Tryggr.

We are the largest Kypiq player base on the Selene server in addition to having to most Neran landowner outside of Mixed Leaf Forest within the Kingdom of Tryggr. We are focused on the preservation of Kypiq Culture and Religion without restricting those who would like to play other tribes within our borders working together to increase sustainability and productivity through means of our differences.

The Coalition Duchies allow for a diversity of tribes and even includes some Hrothi settlements. With countless viable professions to choose from the Coalition encompasses every walk of life. Since being somewhat removed from the Kingdom we pride ourselves on self-sustainability and self-sufficiency. The Coalition is aimed at those seeking to improve their lot in life.


The Coalition is situated within the Broadleaf Forest with multiple Ironwood settlements as well as both Kypiq, Neran and Hrothi terrestrial settlements within its border. Boasting some of the highest elevations and longest coastal shores when including Whiteraven Rock within the kingdom. Numerous estuary runs from near centralized locations through hills and peaks with majestic waterfalls being the source. Large inland lakes are scattered throughout the Coalition perfect for localized trade and transport.


The Coalition is situated within the Kypiq biome, which is the majority tribe within the duchy but showcases the largest Neran population within the Broadleaf Forest. Small scattered amount of Hrothi can also be found with the most concentrated amount found in the Counties of Darkanchor Grave and Ballyboulder.

Our own personal player base is mostly Europeans, North Americans and Southern African with a substantial LGBTQ+ community.


The Coalition plans on being self-sufficient and self-sustaining in addition to upholding the values of each tribe housed in our border.

We are focused on using traditional Kypiq methods to ensure higher sustainability within the Coalition by means of forestry and higher technological processes rarely found outside of the Broadleaf.

The Aganju nature reserve made up of the Counties of Lower Olive, Amber End and Driftpool serve to survey fauna and flora within the duchy due the large amount and notability of Rangers present. Creating a safe haven for wildlife and plants within the reserve. Close observation of animals will allow for seasonal culling by Neran rangers to ensure the natural balance is kept and resources will go toward the respective craftsman.

Finite resources will be mined at optimal levels by Hrothi miners and queries with waste deposited in protected areas for refining as technology advances by our Kypiq researchers. Recycling of metals will also be at the forefront and be used to recast armors and items as the natural progression of technique improve. Since the biome is more focused on Ironbark production metal will only be used if Ironbark isn't a viable replacement.

Thanks to our high renewable resource count, we aim to achieve a high export rates and lower import thus creating a surplus of wealth which will allow for further advancement.

The Coalition would ideally work as a production line with raw resources and agriculture being situated toward the centre, followed by crafting, production and warehousing towns and Counties towards the middle of the band. Finally, military, trade and high-level crafting, which derives components from multiple central band crafters, would reside closer to the borders using the river systems, land vehicles and sea to trade.

Method of Casus Belli (If needed)

In order to achieve the Casus Belli, a Count vying for the position (in this case myself) has 1 of 3 options. In the case of Valor Heights, we have opted for the first condition set out by the Casus Belli guidelines which stipulates 25% of the Dukes (3 Dukes) and the Monarch need to support the motion. The Coalition currently meets the mentioned requirements as the Dukes and Duchesses as well as the Monarch of Tryggr have given their support for this undertaking.

Duchy of Valor Heights

County of Cerowain

  • Count: Turgon Elensar
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Settlement: Ironwood Capital of The Grove formerly Bridgebriar
  • Expansion County: The County of Sablehorn
  • County Focus: Religion, Nature and Diplomacy
  • Description: The Grove will be the Coalition capital and functions as the Headquarters for the Coalition. It houses the main Temple of Faedin for Kypiqs on the Coalition and serves as the location for The Druids of Faedin.

County of Darkanchor Grave

  • Count: PlagueCrafter
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Settlement: The Fort of Oakblood
  • Expansion County: The County of Darkflat
  • County Focus: Military, Security and Smithing
  • Description: Home of The Ironbreakers a hardcore Neran PvP guild entrusted as the Swords of the Viroti within the Broadleaf by the Monarch himself.

County of Sarleksis

  • Count: Christopher
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Settlement: The City of Sarlek
  • Expansion County: The County of Montwolf Horn
  • County Focus: External Trade, Diplomacy and Infrastructure
  • Description: Sarleksis County will be a highly centralised County with larger, but fewer, more organised guilds and towns. Their focus will be on the well being and enjoyment of the game for those in our domain alongside mastery in the fields our people pursue. The Osanyin Herbal Apothecaries is based within the County.

County of Elling

  • Count: Elling of Vaksala
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Settlement: The Ironwood Town of Asptuna
  • Expansion County: The County of Brownsage Flats
  • County Focus: Internal Trade, Diplomacy and Infrastructure
  • Description: The county will act as an internal trade-hub for the Duchy with its main trade route running through the City of Whiteburnt Hope towards Stancutter Terrace (Redmist Shoal) before sailing the river to Monttrent Barrows (Dragstone)

County of Tyrvalen

  • Count: Aeran
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Settlement: The City of Amaethon
  • Expansion County: The County of Gartvalor
  • County Focus: Agriculture, Textiles and Animal Byproducts
  • Description: Tyrvalen will be focusing on food production in a Kypiq friendly manor harvesting fruits and vegetables from plants and trees that do not harm or kill the plant. Gathering animal byproduct in the same humane way from the animals within the county.

County of Stanphoenix Grove

  • Count: Alberos
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Settlement: The Ironwood Town of Silvertravers Fair
  • Expansion County: The County of Lower Olive
  • County Focus: Scholars, Physician and Bureaucracy
  • Description: Pending

The Town of Brigitia

  • Mayor: Volpeap
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Location: County of Cerowain
  • Settlement Focus: Defense, Agriculture and Localised Trade
  • Description: Brigitia is named in honor of the Celtic goddess Brigit, known as the “Triple Faced Goddess”. Through her fires, she is the patroness of healing arts, fertility, poetry, music, prophecy, agriculture, and smithcraft. Brigitia similarly will be a town of many faces. Strategically placed on The Coalition’s eastern border, Brigitia will play an important role in trade, defense, and diplomacy. On the shores of a lake and surrounded by forest Brigitia has abundant resources such as fish, game, and farm land. Working toward the Coalition’s goal of self-reliance all manners of professions and trades are welcome. Being situated along a trade route between the kingdom border and the Coalition capital, Brigitia will be a hub of activity ripe with opportunity for all types of players. While the Coalition is primarily Kypiq, other tribes, like Neran will be welcome in Brigitia. While we are not a military focused community our citizens should be comfortable with PVP acting as the first line of defense in the event of an attack. The citizens of Brigitia will have the freedom to walk their own path in life, while also working as a group toward the betterment of our community and kingdom.

The Village of Cravenchurch

  • Baron: Zandman
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Location: County of Darkanchor Grave
  • Settlement Focus: Military, Defense and Archery
  • Description: Pending

The Village of Greynight

  • Baron: Angus
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Location: County of Sablehorn
  • Settlement Focus: Defense, Agriculture and Localised Trade
  • Description: Pending

The Village of Darkspring

  • Mayor: Punge
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Location: The County of Lower Olive
  • Settlement Focus: Forestry, Sustainability and Gathering
  • Description: Pending

The Village of Stormaxe

  • Mayor: Mr H
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Location: The County of Warley
  • Settlement Focus: Pending
  • Description: Planned Count of County of Warley

The Garrison of Ironpeak

  • Baron: Krell
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Location: County of Cerowain
  • Settlement Focus: Excavation, Lore and Defense
  • Description: Ironpeak’s main driving focus will be to build up a military force both for defence and offensive purposes, as well as excavating the nearby mountainous area’s for resources. Beyond that, Ironpeak will also be home of the Abyssal organization, whom have a keen sight for the arcane arts (more so the “dark” arts) and alchemy.

The Garrison of Greynight Glen

  • Baron: Frea
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Location: County of Darkflat
  • Settlement Focus: Military, Defense and Cavalry
  • Description: Pending

Duchy of Featherdale

County of Aedrilf

  • Count: Leiywen
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Settlement: The Ironwood Keep of Skoro
  • Expansion County: The County of Brownbattle Cliff
  • County Focus: Blacksmithing, mining & prospecting
  • Description: Aedrilf County will be heavily focused on the development and production of all blacksmithing disciplines. Home to the Sindri & Brokkr blacksmith guild and the largest producer of Ironbark Armor within the Kingdom.

County of Sikkerhavn

  • Count: Aerrin Oathward
  • Tribe: Neran
  • Settlement: The City of Storfehorn
  • Expansion County: The County of Ivoryhope
  • County Focus: Animal breeding, harvesting, gathering, brewing, trading
  • Description: County is highly focused on breeding the finest free range cattle, with the main aim of making Broadleaf Cattle the Wagyu of Elyria which would of course be accompanied by the finest ales. Purebred stallions running freely in the pastures is a common sight. Hunt at dawn, work during the day. Roast steaks and beer for everyone in a local tavern at night!

County of Forestharvest

  • Count: Nebus
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Settlement: The Ironwood Town of Stormbark End
  • Expansion County: The County of Moon Rest
  • County Focus: Tailoring, Textile and Production
  • Description: The county will foster textile making, tailoring in the broadest sense : clothing, cloth, bags, tapestries, sails, gliders wings ..., with the purpose of both producing the most refined and sophisticated textiles and developing the regional economic fabric.

The Ironwood Town of Springridge

  • Mayor: DeadlyApples
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Location: The County of Aedrilf
  • Settlement Focus: Engineering, Tinkering and Localised Support
  • Description: Pending

The Village of Stormsage

  • Mayor: Monk
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Location: The County of Ballybaker Rock
  • Settlement Focus: Shipwrights, Research and Trade
  • Description: Planned Count of Ballybaker Rock

Duchy of Whiteraven Rock

County of Lower Greyania

  • Count: Scarlet
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Settlement: The Seaside Ironwood Town of Parkland
  • Expansion County: The County of The Horn
  • County Focus: Pending
  • Description: Pending

The Ironwood Town of Leffitburn

  • Mayor: Beagán Duilleach
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Location: The County of Gartgrave
  • Settlement Focus: Pending
  • Description: Planned Count of Greencorner and Gartgrave

The Ironwood Town of Forestyard

  • Mayor: Pete
  • Tribe: Kypiq
  • Location: The County of Crossowl Cove
  • Settlement Focus: Textiles, Trade and Production
  • Description: Planned Count of Crossowl Cove

Guilds and Places of Interest

Current Nomads

We would like to extend an invitation to the below-mentioned Nomads that have settled within Coalition borders. We understand that not all players are familiar with Kingdom structures and politics as not everyone is active on Discord. Players wanting to operate as Independents are free to do so, all we ask is that you make contact as to not disrupt plans that have been set out by others for months and for us to update our internal census.

  • Count of the County of Whitedell, Duchy of Whiteraven Rock
  • Mayor of the Seaside Ironwood Town of Ukhlov, The County of Whitespider Shoal, Duchy of Whiteraven Rock
  • Mayor the Ironwood Town of Fatevale, The County of Nightwater, Duchy of Whiteraven Rock
  • Elder of the Village of Blacklily, The County of Moon Rest, Duchy of Featherdale
  • Elder of the Hamlet of Oakred Corner, County of Gartvalor, Duchy of Valor Heights


The Coalition is looking for players that are interested in community and long term sustainability. Nerans wanting to support Kypiq and always be ahead of the curve regarding technological advances and Kypiq’s that would like to progress technology whilst maintaining resources and improving craft methods. We are a mature community that strives to empower each other through corporation.

Join the Discord

Please Note: Some Domain names are currently awaiting approval and as such will be updated accordingly.

10/25/2019 11:24:05 AM #1


10/25/2019 11:24:20 AM #2


10/25/2019 11:25:56 AM #3

Such a complete and easy reading post ! Congratz and good luck !

Alt text - can be left blank

10/25/2019 12:39:49 PM #4

Good luck guys!! :D


10/25/2019 1:13:20 PM #5

great post !

Duke of Turadh Friend Code 1537DA

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10/26/2019 9:26:59 PM #6

Looking good!

10/27/2019 6:23:02 PM #7

Thanks everyone

11/3/2019 3:33:58 PM #8

Great Post Turgon!

I can vouch that the community is truly great to be in. Everyone is treated fair and equal.

Everyone looking for a fun game experience is welcome here!

Alt text - Tryggr

11/15/2019 6:27:15 AM #9

The Town of Brigitia & Garrison of Ironpeak Updated