Regarding Rivers, Oceans, Heir, Tribes, Profession, & Gliders

Greetings everyone,

Wished the <forum search> responded better but oh well it is what it is, So have to ask these newbie questions and if the Q&A in this regard has already been discussed, my apologies:

Regarding Rivers: Does the game allow building a Dam? Also, is there a way in game to expand, extend, redirect, and even temporarily block a river through a wall or barrier? Also, if the answer to the above is no; let say a treasure, mineral or other resources are under the water in certain rivers. Then what? We just won’t have access? or do we have to create special boats or platforms in order to retrieve the resources.

And last, just in case for some reason we need to breath under the water in a river or ocean; are we going to be able to somehow breath under the water for a good long period of time through a mechanism, ability or something?

Regarding Kids and heir: so you got to be dead before you can interact with your heir? I mean, you can’t somehow interact with your perhaps NPC heir share secrets or to guide or teach them to learn certain skills while you are still alive?

Regarding tribes: If your city has certain tribes but missing a tribe that you would want, what are the ways to add or attract that tribe to your city as quickly as possible?

Regarding Professions: If your city lacks certain professions what are the best ways to add those professions to your city (I mean, aside from players with those professions coming to your city), Can you just add NPCs that have those professions to your city? Or can you travel to other cities that have those professions and somehow get the NPCs to relocate or have them send reps of certain professions to your city?

Regarding the Ocean: aside from hiding new continents to be discovered what do we know about Oceans? Far as what type of small/large creatures, or treasures or resources they might or might not hold? Or what type of ships do we need in order to encounter ocean challenges? I mean depending on blueprints avail., are the size and durability of ships standard or we can create our own ships of various sizes and durability?

Regarding Gliders: Do we know if the Gliders in game are suppose to work same as real life gliders taking Ridge lift, Thermals and wave lift into consideration? Or in-game air flow will be dead therefore, we be descending faster no matter what up or down angle or side maneuver we try in the air?

Once again I thank you in advance for your time, stay well and safe.

"I'd rather die standing than live on my knees."

1/27/2020 5:33:16 AM #1
  1. I don't know if dam building will be possible. Since the point of a dam is to raise the level of the water table, it might not be supported by the mechanics.

  2. Breathing underwater seems to me to be a problem with several potential technological solutions. As with all such problems, doing research in the game is the way to address it, if it is not already addressed.

  3. I don't know if there is a way to make sure your settlement has all the professions you want it to have at the beginning of Expo. To attract professional migrants, build workplaces specific to those professions.

  4. We will not have access to designs for ocean-going ships at the beginning of Expo, so it is written. Research or encounters with an ocean-going tribe are ways to remedy that.

  5. I don't know much about gliders, except that the promise of them generated a fair amount of cash for SBS. If there has been any official discussion about the specifics of their operation or the physical requirements of the environment they need, I didn't pay any attention to it.

1/27/2020 8:43:37 AM #2

Note: Some things below are from Discord (put with a D-CCR or D-SC header), so may change

Regarding blocking rivers:
13 SEP 18 D-CCR

Water in video games "Doesn't move" - it's a visual effect that makes it looks like it moves, coupled with a physics push on your game character to make it feel like there's a current. CoE will have that. Of course it will. What we won't have is water that changes course when a river is blocked, or a new trench is dug, or water that will pool in a puddle like real water, because the cost of simulating water to that detail is too high and offers very little to the game.

Regarding breathing underwater:
Note: this is 4 years old, so take with a grain of salt....
Will we have an oxygen meter when we are diving, and is it linked to a specific attribute or stat?
16 FEB 16 V-BW

Yes you will have an oxygen meter and it is tied to your stamina. Everything pretty much is tied to your stamina. Your stamina dictates how much you can go without air AFTER you run out of oxygen. You’ll be able to hold your breath a certain amount of time, maybe something you’ll actually be able to develop over time or it’ll be a function of your stamina to begin with. But after that, once you run out of oxygen you’ve only got a limited amount of time until you’ll begin to suffocate and that’ll be dependant on what your stamina is.

Regarding an heir:
1 OCT 17 D-CCR

In theory it's possible for a monarch to have an heir that they train and raise up, while keeping their monarch protected. However, as with everyone, monarch's gain SP from gaining skill, participating in story arcs, and earning achievements. So a king that stays entirely inside may find they don't have enough SP to take over their heir. Also, it's risky to have your heir out and about as they can be killed. And while you could "will" your title to someone not your heir, they won't have earned any reputation with the kingdom, so it could create a power vacuum.

Regarding tribes:
The fastest way to move members of a tribe is to either have several accounts with all the slots sparked with that tribe and move them yourself.... or have friends that spark into that tribe and move.

Regarding professions:
How will npcs react to large construction jobs. like i need 100 builders for this road? will it bring new citizens etc for the work?
26 APR 18 D-CCR

It can, you might need to make it known that the project needs work to get the ball rolling, but migration for long term projects is something that was pretty common on Earth and something we have an interest in modelling.

If we build schools or establish guilds is there a chance NPCs will join that faculty?
27 APR 17 V-SbS

Yes there is.

Can we hire NPCs to clean and maintain our property? 27 APR 17 V-SbS

If they are looking for work.

Do you think there could be some kind of mechanic for a notice board in a tavern or town hall? With temporary, singular and permanent jobs available to both NPCs and PCs alike; posted by PCs.
12 MAR 18 D-CCR

Already planned as part of the contract system.

Regarding the ocean:
Some life in the ocean that has been mentioned:
19 SEP 18 V-SbS

You're not going to be able to tame fish, I don't think. Probably not ocean going mammals either. Not counting the otterbear. You're not going to be able to tame dolphins or anything like that.

What about size limitations, can I tame a kraken?
19 SEP 18 V-SbS

I would say no. I would say, you should probably not try. ... size is going to matter. You're not going to be able to tame anything that thinks you are less than it.

What kind of flaura and fauna can we expect to see out there [in the ocean]?
19 SEP 18 V-SbS

Fish. Large mammals, you know... whales, whale like creatures, I'm committing to whales yet, but. Among other things... good call with the huge leviathan, maybe, wait and see. ... It has the kinds of animals, the kinds of fish, that would actually support fishing and economies based on fishing.

Are there sharks?
19 SEP 18 V-SbS

Yeah, of course.

Regarding ships:
Can those boats at launch hold a couple of people or just one?
14 NOV 17 D-SC

The intention is more than one - though only short distances or over shallow water. They aren't large enough to hold the necessary food for a longer voyage.

If you have a ship and intend to sail to another continent. Do you need a crew?
14 NOV 17 D-SC

Depends on whether the ship requires more than one to sail.

Is it true the Mydarri will have settlements that are fleets of ships that can move around, like the erishe caravans?
11 MAY 18 D-SC

That is true. When ocean travel is possible, you're going to find it's a big ocean. It's important that we have ships that act like settlements in the same way we have wagons that act like roaming settlements so that players on long voyages don't have to manually eat the entire time, don't have to go in/out of the hull to prevent exposure, and so they can set rules within their fleets.

Not all ships are roaming settlements, just like not all wagons are. And it's not specific to the Mydarri, just like it's not specific to the Erishé. Roaming settlements is just a mechanic that allows groups of people to take their 'settlement' with them.

"I mean depending on blueprints avail., are the size and durability of ships standard or we can create our own ships of various sizes and durability?"
Since ships are something that has to be developed through research, what ships are available depends on the research. Mind you, recipes for making things are componential, so you can swap out similar items in order to modify the end product and as such swap out one type of material that makes up the hull for a more durable material.

Regarding gliders:
From the 'details' of the glider in my inventory it says this:

The Glider is a simple vehicle, designed to catch the wind and allow you to gently and easily glide from a high place to the ground, all the while in control of the path you take to get there.